5 Reasons Why I Love Being a Speech and Language Therapist


By Speech and Language therapist Gianina Giangrande


In 2012, I left a career in marketing to become a Speech and Language Therapist. It was the best decision I could have made and here's why.

1. Work with a Diverse Population

As a Speech and Language Therapist from New York City working for Magic Words Therapy in London, I’ve had the pleasure of working with people from cultures very different from my own. I’ve helped a Jamaican child with feeding difficulties eat rice and beans, a CBS news anchor reclaim her voice through vocal hygiene techniques, and a nonverbal child request ‘Driedel’ using an AAC device. How cool, right?

2. Geek out on Data

Data collection is a vital part of making clinical decisions on the effectiveness of treatment. If you love numbers like I do, there’s no greater thrill than seeing scientific proof that your client is making progress over time.


3. Have Creative Freedom

Speech and Language Therapy is as much an art as it is a science. It takes out-of-the box thinking and personalization to motivate children to attend in therapy. Where else can you make sparkling sound shakers and rockets from toilet tissue rolls?!


4. Never Get Bored

I’ve worked with both children and adults with disorders in feeding and swallowing, voice, articulation, phonology, expressive language, receptive language, and respiration. I’ve provided services in a hospital, a private clinic and the school setting to clients with Autism, Downs Syndrome, Aphasia, TBI, Stroke, Post-Chemotherapy difficulties and many more. Needless to say, I am CONSTANTLY learning.

5. Change Someone’s Life

I am humbled to know that the work I do has the power to break down the barriers of communication for an individual. It has driven me to become the advocate that I am for service provision for those who would benefit from Speech and Language Therapy. Cue the Mic drop.