Our Speech And Language Therapy Service For Nursery Schools And Preschools

We work in many nurseries who find it beneficial to buy in our speech and language therapy service. We can offer nurseries:

  • Inset day / CPD / twilight training for staff to help them develop their skills and knowledge on how to support children with speech, language and communication difficulties.

  • Screening assessments for early speech, language and communication development for whole cohorts or for identified groups of children.

  • Regular 1:1 or group therapy for identified children.

  • Specific therapy approaches well suited to nursery aged children such as Attention Autism, Narrative Therapy, Makaton training, Attention and Listening Therapy & Intensive Interaction.

    Therapy Approaches Used By Our Speech & Language Therapists

    Our Speech and Language Therapists are trained and experienced in using a range of evidence based therapeutic approaches to help children with a range of speech, language, communication and feeding needs with their development. Here is a list of some of the therapy approaches we use the most frequently:

    ⭐️ Attention Autism
    ⭐️ Makaton signing
    ⭐️ Colourful Semantics
    ⭐️ Lego Therapy
    ⭐️ Autism Level-UP
    ⭐️ Intensive Interaction
    ⭐️ Elklan approaches

    Ask your Speech and Language Therapist if you’d like more information about any of the above approaches or if there are any approaches that you are interested in that aren’t listed above.