Halloween Themed Speech Therapy Activities

Halloween Themed Speech Therapy Activities

By Larisa Vaz

Magic Words Speech and Language Therapist 

As the leaves change colour and the air becomes crisper, it can mean only one thing: Halloween is just around the corner. This spooktacular holiday offers an excellent opportunity for speech therapists to engage their young clients in fun and educational activities. Halloween-themed speech therapy activities are not only a blast for kids but can also be incredibly effective in improving speech and language skills. Let's delve into some ghoulishly good ideas to enhance communication while embracing the Halloween spirit.


1. Pumpkin Patch Pronunciation

Create a "pumpkin patch" with paper pumpkins, each displaying a different word with a specific speech sound. For example, if your child is not able to say the ‘s’ sound, you can use words beginning with ‘s’ such as sun, soap, etc. Children can choose a pumpkin, say the word correctly, and place it in their "basket." This hands-on approach helps practice their articulation skills while having a pumpkin-tastic time.


2. Monster Mouth Movement

Encourage children to create their very own "monster mouths" using construction paper and markers. Then, have them describe their monsters in detail. This activity is fantastic for improving expressive language skills, as kids describe their monster's features and characteristics.


3. Spooky Storytelling

Gather around a "campfire" (a flickering LED candle will do) and encourage kids to tell spooky stories. You can set up various topics like a spooky house story or a ghost story. This activity helps children develop their narrative and descriptive language skills while fostering creativity and imagination.


4. Zombie Pronoun Play

Use zombie-themed visuals to work on pronouns. Place zombies in different locations and have children describe where they are using pronouns like "he," "she," or "they." This activity helps reinforce pronoun usage while adding a fun, creepy twist.


5. Vocabulary Costume Party

Host a vocabulary costume party where each child dresses up as a word they've learned. They can explain their chosen word's meaning and use it in a sentence, helping to reinforce vocabulary and expressive language skills.


6. Ghastly Guess the Sound

Fill containers with various Halloween-themed items, such as candy, small toys, or even spooky sound recordings. Kids can listen to the sounds, guess what's inside, and practice their expressive language skills by describing the item or sound.


7. Witch's Brew Word Blending

Create a pretend witch's brew by blending Halloween-themed words. Children can combine words like "spider" and "web" to make "spiderweb" and describe what the concoction does. This activity enhances phonological awareness and word blending skills.


8. Monster Emotion Matching

Use pictures of friendly monsters displaying different emotions. Children can match the monster to the corresponding emotion card, describe why they think the monster feels that way, and talk about times they've felt the same emotions.


9. Trick-or-Treat Articulation

Incorporate speech sounds into a trick-or-treat game. Place candy or small toys in a bag with pictures or words containing the target sound. Children take turns drawing an item from the bag and practice saying it correctly before receiving their "treat."


10. Witchy Word Puzzles

Create word puzzles, like crossword puzzles or word searches, using Halloween-themed vocabulary. Kids can have a blast solving the puzzles while expanding their vocabulary and word recognition skills.


11. Spider Web Speech Sounds

Draw a spider web on a whiteboard or paper, with different speech sounds at various points. Children can take turns throwing a sticky toy spider onto the web and practicing the speech sound it lands on. It's a fun way to work on your child’s articulation skills.


12. Jack-o'-Lantern Categories

Carve a pumpkin with various category labels, such as "animals," "fruits," or "colours." Children can name items that belong to each category, expanding their sorting and categorization skills.


13. Mummy Memory Game

Create a memory game using Halloween-themed cards. Players take turns flipping over two cards, describing what they see, and trying to find matching pairs. This game helps memory, concentration, and descriptive language skills.


Halloween-themed speech therapy activities not only make learning more engaging but also instil a sense of excitement and enthusiasm in children. By incorporating these spine-tingling exercises into your speech therapy sessions, you can help kids develop essential communication skills while enjoying the magic of Halloween. So, embrace the spirit of the season and watch your young learners become spellbound by the world of speech and language.